Flexible staffing isn’t appropriate for every matter or engagement; however, we take our responsibility to minimize clients’ legal costs very seriously and make use of this option in the right circumstances.
We staff matters efficiently by finding ways to manage costs without sacrificing results. Our strategies include:
- Systematically planning the engagement to map out the work required to meet clients’ objectives. Thoroughly defining a matter’s scope is the starting point for determining what resources will be most appropriate. In addition, up-front planning provides an opportunity to disaggregate portions of phases and tasks, and assign lower-cost staff where appropriate.
- Using our proprietary budget and work plan tool to model staffing scenarios with the most apt combinations of resources and costs. In early planning discussions with clients, we present these scenarios and evaluate the benefits and risks of each to make a joint decision on the best way to achieve clients’ desired results.
- Properly utilizing staff attorneys and paralegals. Delegating work as appropriate to the lowest-cost timekeeper capable of handling an assignment is an invaluable part of a comprehensive staffing plan. Common tasks such as drafting correspondence and preparing status reports may be appropriately delegated, taking into account the complexity of the matter or the task itself in the context of the particular matter, as well as the individual timekeeper’s experience and ability.
- Deploying resources in creative, cost-efficient ways. Not every task associated with the delivery of a legal service requires a lawyer. We employ non-lawyers when appropriate for special roles (e.g., construction project managers). We also employ lawyers acting in special capacities and not as lawyers (e.g., litigation management, tax return preparation). And, of course, we engage contract lawyers and temporary legal staffing when needed to handle high-volume tasks such as document production.