Listed below are representative antitrust matters in which our partners have participated.
- Representing a global electronics manufacturer in the DRAM grand jury investigation and ultimate plea and related MDL civil litigation. Coordinated with EU and Canadian counsel in parallel investigations.
- Obtaining an acquittal following trial of criminal antitrust charges against an executive in the commercial explosives market in the only case that went to trial in an industry-wide investigation.
- Representing multiple foreign executives in DOJ’s sweeping investigation of criminal price-fixing activity in auto parts investigations. Matters resolved without prosecution.
- Defending a privately held manufacturing company in a DOJ criminal antitrust cartel investigation focused on chemical-industry related domestic commerce.
- Representing a foreign national executive in a DOJ criminal price-fixing investigation in a maritime trade.
- Representing a transportation company CEO in a cartel investigation and securing successful termination of the grand jury investigation with no action.
- Successfully representing an executive in the cement pipe industry against price-fixing charges, achieving an acquittal following trial.
- Representing a company and a key executive in connection with an investigation into and trial of market allocation allegations in the motion picture distribution market.
- Successfully representing a manufacturer of industrial packaging products in a grand jury investigation and civil litigation arising from charges of price fixing and customer allocation.
- Representing a grocery store chain in the federal criminal investigation, federal and private civil litigation, and class action litigation all resulting from an investigation into allegations of price fixing in the retail grocery market.
- Successfully representing a subject of a grand jury investigation into allegations of price fixing and bid rigging in the used machinery auction market.
- Successfully representing a seller of packaged chlorine in connection with a state attorney general’s antitrust investigation into price fixing and bid rigging charges.
- Representing real estate developers in a DOJ criminal foreclosure auction bid-rigging investigation.
- Representing pharmaceutical executives in a DOJ criminal antitrust price-fixing investigation.
- Representing an executive in a DOJ criminal bid-rigging investigation of food sales to public schools.
- Representing multiple corporate executives and companies in the soft drink bottling, dairy, scrap and metal building industries in grand jury matters, obtaining immunity and defending companies with no guilty plea or convictions.
- Defending a major supermarket chain in an FTC slotting fees investigation and subsequent industry-wide study under Section 6(b) of the FTC Act.
- Securing immunity for executive in investigation of price-fixing activity in a printing and promotional industry.